We where once porcelain plates, broken by the world and its words, rejected and unwanted but God picked up the pieces and made a beautiful astounding mosaic...He WILL put YOU back together again

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Day 40                                                                                                                        June 29

Do you honestly believe that Yahweh wants the best for you? Do you believe that He has a special man in mind just for you? Do you believe that you deserve the best? If you cannot answer yes to all these questions it will not realise, you need to believe it. Trust in the man that died for you. Some of us get continuously rejected and that makes us desponded and your heart gets trampled every time but know that the right man will come. On the flip side maybe you do not even have the privilege to give your heart to someone. Whichever side you are on you need to believe that God has someone for you in mind. In the old Jewish traditions the woman’s father chose a husband for her, Jesus lives by His word….

If you are in a relationship now that you know is not good for you and you need to let it go ask the Lord to step in. He will start to show you things that will help you to get out. It is hard we all experience that, we hold on so tight and we try to convince everyone around us through justification that it is actually not as bad as it seems and right throughout we are in so much denial that we pretend that we cannot see the ship sinking. Let me explain, you can be the only girl in a room full of men of all kinds and the Lord will not let them see you because they are not right for you He will harden their hearts so that you will be invisible. God will soften the heart of the right one for you. That is why you will get responses from him like “I am not ready for a commitment” or “I do not really know what I am feeling because I do not know what love is” or “I just want to be friends”. If it is the right one, it will happen from the start, he will committed and it will be easy, it will flow, because it is meant to be. As soon as you feel that you are in relationship that is so much effort, re-evaluate!!! His heart is hardened.

On the other side of the coin, do you feel safe to just stay in your bed away from the outside world, hiding so that you will not be disappointed or be rejected? How can you get out and meet? One-step-at-a-time, if you are not use to socialising then do not choose a function that is over 300 people, but start slow and go to the smaller gatherings. Try and make friends and do not go out there with this mission to find a husband, no, go out to meet friends of all kinds, not just girls or gay men because you just moving into another place of safety. I am not saying run after, I am saying market yourself, by making friends with people. Go out there!!!! Use social media to your advantage.

We live in the times of grace; the angels look in awe of us because they were not washed in His blood. You and I are the one’s Jesus died for.  I have learned to not be so hard on myself all the time and to give it to the Lord. I make mistakes I date the wrong men and then Jesus has to pick up the pieces afterwards. Nothing that I can do will mess up God’s plans for me, if I stay obedient and get out when He says get out, His plans will prevail. Not I or anybody can change that. Sarah tried to interfere with Gods plan but she did not move God one inch so who are we anyway to think that I can mess things up. Rather learn from your experiences, so that you can warn your girlfriends and help them out of their situations. If you obey Gods laws, Dad will not let anything bad happen to you.

If you feel you need to stay because you can help him to get closer to the Lord or get saved…I have very good news for you today. Do not worry it is not your job. We are helpers by nature so naturally we want to help the poor fellow, you know what God will send someone, a male that can help him, not you, no, it is too dangerous, and why would God put you in a circumstance where your heart can be broken. He is a good God, not a sadistic God.

So sit back and relax because God is in control, He will find a way to let you know that you need to turn left or right. Up to that point you have a job to do in the place that you are in whether it is to go or stay, move when God decides to moves you. Stay in obedience. If it is in a relationship now, maybe you have good seed to sow and show him what a godly woman and wife  is all about, and if you are not dating at the moment maybe you need a time of healing and rest before God can move you again. I pray that you get peace and understanding, that you will not be hard on yourself because of your mistakes but to be kind to yourself. Do not lose who you are through an abusive relationship and I pray that you will be able to let go and come back to His loving arms. If you are scared to go out there I pray protection over you and boldness to market yourself and to know how beautiful you are and that you only deserve the best!!!!!!

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