Day 14 – 3 June
Do you want to be a 1-man-woman?
God never intended for any of us to experience pain or loss. When I cry he cries with me. As much as a mother does not want her child to get hurt and so badly want to protect them from getting hurt, so much so, does my Father not want me to hurt?
So he does give advice and speaks wise words. I have the choice to either be a rebellious teenager and listen to my friend’s advice and disregard my Parent. He says when I have peace inside then he can protect my heart and mind. Lets see if I rest in His promise and do not go that place of being scared of the future then He says I will be okay. Being confident that there is this huge inheritance waiting then I will be sure not to give pieces of my heart away to the wrong person. What will be left for the man God has chosen for me if I just keep on loosing pieces along the way?
After my divorce I have been moving in some circles where people are divorced, some on the second divorce. There is so much hurt there and pain from these break-ups. No wonder God hates divorce. He knew it would destroy us and our future relationships that we will have after we are broken. If you are thinking of getting divorced today, please know from being on the other side. This brokenness you will experience afterwards is not worth it, rather get onto your knees and ask God to help you find that person again. He stands strongly for family. Jehovah will make you priority that I can promise you.
My heart is a treasure, giving my heart completely to someone is giving my everything, body, soul and mind. I want to give it the one God has chosen for me, in that lays peace, in that my heart and my mind are protected. Ladies it is a gift, a privilege to give it away, don’t deliver it to the wrong oak that would mess up that beautiful wrapping and then after he has thrown it aside, you have to put it back together again, this wrinkled gift with a ribbon torn……
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