Day 34 June 23
Do you see yourself as a grasshopper? The Israelites were too scared to go into the Promised Land because the giants were so big!!!!! No they only saw themselves as being small? It was what they saw in themselves that defeated them. How do you see yourself today? Do you tell yourself that you will never be happy or find happiness? Start one step at a time. Build yourself up, look at yourself in the mirror and say: “I can do this” If you have a thought that says I am fat, nobody looks at me say: “I am beautiful in Gods eyes I am not a failure.”
I will tell you a bit of my life. I have been battling with depression for many years and so naturally I also had the weight to prove it. I tried every diet under the sun, researched all kinds of exercise, pasted pictures of exercises on the walls in my house, but I did not drop one kg. I asked and begged the Lord to help and then one day I saw a quote “If your mind cannot see it your body cannot achieve it” – it is a running theme throughout, if you do not think “thin” you will not loose weight. God has shown me that our weight problems are directly linked to our state of mind. As testimony I weighed 84kg after my son was born, today I weigh 57kg because I changed the way I think about my weight…
So would it be correct if I say that everything you think will become reality? Do not live in the imaginary world, in the future, we are missing out on so much right now. So much of our thoughts are in the future, with imagery that becomes our reality. You know what it is “pretend play” – the problem is it becomes true because we think it. Scary but true, that is why satan loves to plant ideas in our heads because he understands the physical manifestation it has on our bodies. The thought comes, you start to play the possible play in your head and you start seeing the disaster, the pain and even the effect after that and the saga continues. You start to participate in satan’s grasshopper mentality. YOU CAN STOP IT. If you choose to stop your mind from going there it will not become reality and God can enter in and finish the story the way He wants it to end.
I always wondered what they meant by keep your eyes on Jesus. It is not physically looking at Him but quieting your mind and not being focussed on your bad box office movie disaster in your imaginary world. You can focus on the step you have to take next instead of worrying about what next week is going to happen. “1-DAY-AT-A-TIME.” Today you will be positive, today you will change your expectations. Let God come in now and let Him do His work in you now at this moment. Let him mould you to become the woman you are called to be. See yourself strong. Believe yourself strong. See yourself thin and beautiful and God will do the rest. Turn the tables on satan and let him find out what it feels like to be a grasshopper for a change. hehehehe
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