We where once porcelain plates, broken by the world and its words, rejected and unwanted but God picked up the pieces and made a beautiful astounding mosaic...He WILL put YOU back together again

Monday, 11 July 2011

Day 48                                                                                                            8 July 2011

For you to print and keep and remind yourself daily

  2. Time is not the enemy; things can change in a day
  3. Don’t judge yourself, bad will automatically burn-off
  4. Stop trying so hard
  5. Focus on WHO not DO
  6. No competition or comparing, just a race to run your own course
  7. Be-ing NOT Do-ing
  8. It is not a bunch of rules, The Bible is A LOVE LETTER
  9. Believe what HE says
  10. Expectation is the womb of manifestation; ask for good to come your way
  11. Doves eyes, they have single vision, only on JESUS
  12. Think Victor NOT Victim
  13. I have the right to divine protection
  14. I am destined for a great plan
  15. I have the power to STOP things through prayer my choices and my words
  16. FAITH not FEAR
  17. Focus on the positive
  18. Stop thinking B.C.
  19. Remember what you have and not what you have not
  20. Harvest always comes
  21. GIVE
  22. I want more to give more
  23. Yahweh solves poverty
  24. God humbles me by blessing me when I do not deserve it
  25. Poor in Spirit is dependency on God
  26. I have favour
  27. Thanks giving, the highest form of faith
  28. Opposition is producing invisible progress
  29. Peace in the middle of the storm
  30. Treat your tongue like a sword with scripture
  31. Anxiety is a signal rather than a condition
  32. Decide to be happy today
  33. Certainty = joy
  34. Only good not to harm
  35. Do not settle for mediocrity, EXCEL
  36. Do not blame others
  37. Refuse to excuse lack of support
  38. Faith finds a way
  39. Put effort into finding a solution
  40. Change focus to “who is for you”
  41. Breakthrough the wall, because it’s the walls holding back abundance
  42. Falling is not failing, I may fall 7 times but I get back up
  43. Jesus is praying for me so I am victorious
  44. Bad turns into good
  45. What goes down must come up
  46. I am “success”, it is not a thing
  47. Decision is a doorway into reality
  48. Keep on asking, seeking and knocking and doors will open
  49. Think BIGGER
  50. Seed meets need – seeds determine harvest
  51. What is stolen will be restored 7 times
  52. Moving into Gods will expect the blessing
  53. Miracle turn around Esther
  54. God increases money, love and time
  55. Expect the suddenly from God
  56. Perfect love cast out fear
  57. Realize your value
  58. You do not have to change in order to be loved
  59. I am NOW in God’s presence
  60. Live by what God says not by what you feel
  61. Tithe
  62. Take action
  63. God can open a door that no man can close
  64. Expectation produces manifestation
  65. It’s not your length of prayer but strength of prayer
  66. Try to listen more to Gods words than interrupting Him with prayer
  67. It is God’s business whether it goes well with me or not
  68. A double edge sword, God spoke a promise now I must speak and live it

Day 47                                                                                                                                                   7 July 2011
Fear and forgetfulness
We forget what a life of slavery we had very quickly; sometimes we look back and wish we can have the “good-old-days” again. But you have forgotten what it was like...The oppression , slavery and pain you experienced with that guy when you where dating, but we do forget. Our memory has a way of deleting the bad and filing the good times in an easy access memory bank long after a breakup, but do not be fooled. Rather go to your dusty basement and retrieve those bad files and remember why before you make the same mistake again. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. We are Christians not doormats do not let people use you too clean their feet.
The definition of insanity: Returning to the same situations over and over again expecting diffirent results
If you broke up with your boyfriend, there was a reason you did that, many a times we are faced with a “return” policy that makes us go back to the same vomit that caused us so much pain in the first place. We are creatures of habit and it is of course easier to go back to what you know. There are these memories that start flooding your mind, only remembering the good times or making excuses for him “well you know what, actually he was not that bad”, “at least I had someone to go to”, “he has enough money” or “did I make a mistake to break up with him? He is a Christian you know”, “we knew each other so well”  Whatever doubt your mind is preoccupied with I can promise you that going back would be like the Israelites believing that the oppression in Egypt was better for them than their freedom in the dessert.
Fear makes us turn back, scared to go into the unknown, fear is not from God, the opposite of fear is love so walking in God’s love would erase the fear that we have of the future. Sometimes I wish we can just erase the past as if it never existed because allot of our fears are fruit of the hurt in the past. It is the unknown that we are afraid of,”what if’s” that creates doubt and makes us go back to our vomit. “What if I end up alone?” “What if this was it and I just blew it?” “What if I...................”
The boyfriend that hurt me the most was the one that I broke up with 4 times and went back into the relationship with new hope and closed eyes time and time again.  Every time we broke up it broke me even more and caused my self confidence to become trampled into nothing. My self-worth was non-existent and tarnished by the abusive words that got worse and worse with ever breakup. Our last breakup was initiated by him and he made sure to tell everyone what a terrible person I am and how awful his time was with me. That I was too overweight for his taste and that I was unbearable to be with. Looking back today none of it was worth it, the emotional abuse as well as the self-destruction I have caused myself. It is 3 years later and I do not miss any of it, I had the privileged to see him again at a recent wedding and noticed what a messy eater he is, there was food on the table cloth all around his plate and I mean really scattered, he got totally wasted and slurred the words “so Silma how are you these days” he has picked up weight and seems old and tired. Why did I not see that before, but I can say with a very thankful heart, closure!!!!!
Day 46                                                                                                                        July 5

Getting your Joy back....

Joy is more than earthly pleasure and more than what we call happiness. Joy is the enjoyment of God and the good things that come from him. Happiness is circumstantial, Joy is continues. If the bible provides us the wonderful words of life, Joy supplies the music. If the way to heaven is an arduous climb, Joy sets up the chair lift. Joy is the fuel God intends us to run on called strength

“May the God of hope fill you with all Joy…” (Romans 15:13).

Ever notice how some people go through incredible difficulties yet still have Joy, while others who don’t go through half as much struggle to keep their heads above water? What’s the difference? These people have a well within that they draw from daily; a well that can’t be drained by what’s going on around them. Nehemiah said

“…the Joy of the Lord (the joy that comes from knowing that He’s Lord of every situation) is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).

What’s blocking you from experiencing God’s Joy? Choose to move into Joy, It is a choice only you can make today!

Try these simple steps to help you get your Joy back:

Spend some time thanking God for the Joy that can only come from him. Ask God to fill you with his Joy today.

DAY 2:  
What do you think about God being Lord of every situation? Do you really believe that He is? What situations are you facing that you haven’t recognised God is Lord of?

DAY 3:
What situations do you need God to fill you with his Joy so that you have the strength to see it through?

DAY 4:
Do you find it easy to ask God for Joy? Or do you struggle because it seems greedy? Ask God to help you ask him for more and more!

DAY 5:
Who do you know that seems far from being Joyful? Spend some time praying for them and their situation. Pray that whether they know God or not, that their day will be full of Joy.

Day 45                                                                                                                        July 4

Life and testimony

Baptism of suffering

Mark 10:38 Jesus said to them, "You don't know what you are asking for. Can you drink the cup of suffering that I must drink? Can you be baptized in the way I must be baptized?"

Rom 8:17 since we are his children, we will possess the blessings he keeps for his people, and we will also possess with Christ what God has kept for him; for if we share Christ's suffering, we will also share his glory.

We have heard of fire baptism and water baptism but did you know about the baptism of suffering?

You have chosen to walk the walk with Jesus, and satan will not leave you alone he will try and win you back anyway he could. He has a limited time left here on earth to get as many as he can for his kingdom do you think he is going to give up the fight before the fat lady sings. He will probably still be trying while she is busy singing because he is so rude and abrupt. So why so downcast if you know that it takes a certain amount of suffering to walk the walk and talk the talk?

Do not fret but focus on Joy because Joy is what gives you strength. I always tell my son, when his sitting with a big fat lip and arms crossed with a winner frown on his forehead. You have the choice to change your attitude. You have the choice to become joyful in your circumstance because that is WHAT WILL GIVE YOU STRENGHT!!!!I do not know about you but when I get angry it takes so much energy that I am exhausted afterwards, it drains your strength.

So make suffering light by changing your attitude

Day 42                                                                                                                        July 1

One Sunday morning in January 2010
Sitting in church watching every one taking their places and greeting familiar faces, I got lost in my own thoughts; it is just you and me Lord. I am comfortable where I am and who I am, but yet have no idea who I am suppose to be, yeah maybe I am just still fast asleep, Tian and I did jump out of bed very quickly, maybe I am just comfortable being here with You or am I wishing I had someone, a partner, someone to share my life with. My thoughts get interrupted by the worship team that starts up in front and everybody takes there places as if rehearsed…. And then in a moment I remembered….I had a dream last night about friends in my past and God turned to me and said: “When are you writing your book”
I am writing this blog for you Lord.

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